Friday, August 16, 2019

Jonah or Jesus?

I was reading in Jonah this morning and this thought started running laps in my head: “Why are so many people more comfortable in being like Jonah instead of being like Jesus?” 
You see, Jonah was given clear direction from the Lord in what he was supposed to do, and he disobeyed and did what he wanted to do instead. He didn’t face the obstacle that was put in front of him by the Lord, instead he ran in the other direction. He figured that he could outrun and even flee from the presence and purpose of God. 
You all know the story, Jonah finds himself on a boat headed in the direction he wanted to go and not where God wanted him. He experienced some unnecessary rough times that were a result of him running, then he finally had enough and he gives up and has the men of the boat throw him overboard so he can escape the turmoil he is in. But his plan still doesn’t work. God sends a great fish (probably a whale) to swallow a great mess (definitely Jonah) to do a great deed (proclaim His message) in a time and place that He appointed for Jonah to be.
Now you may be wondering how this relates to you. Maybe it doesn’t. Maybe you’re the one fully obedient child of God that does everything God has told you to do. But for the rest that struggle with being obedient to the Lord, this story hits home. There are some of you that try to run from things when they get tough instead of facing them. You justify your actions in your own mind as being ok, as if you know what’s best for you. Or you try to take the spiritual approachand say things like, “I think God is leading or wanting me to do…” Both approaches are dangerous! Just like Jonah, if you don’t listen to what God has already told you, or if you try to avoid the tough things that He has put before you, you’re constantly going to be in turmoil.
The fact is this, God has made it perfectly clear what He expects out of His children. He expects His children to “be holy as I am holy.” He expects His children to be like Jesus and face the obstacles in their lives to become more like Jesus. The hard times or obstacles in your life are not a surprise to God. He knows about them. And, He gives you what you need to face them…when you submit to His will and not your own. Just like He gave Jonah the words to say when he finally made to Nineveh, He will not leave you abandoned to face your troubles alone. But running away in fear or in the opposite direction of what He has told you leaves you vulnerable for attacks and the turmoil that follows.
Don’t fight against the Lord. Don’t continue doing what you want just to avoid some hard times or struggles. If you do you’ll end up like Jonah at the end of the book, angry and upset with God because God’s will was accomplished. Jonah was mad at God for doing what God said He would do in the beginning. Don’t put yourself into that situation. Face life’s obstacles as Jesus did, “Father, not My will but Thy will be done.”
I know everyone has a “unique” problem that I or no one else really understands… That’s not true. The reason you hide behind that excuse is because you don’t want to face the truth. Find someone in the context of where God has already placed you to help you face that truth. It may not be easy, but it’s better than being swallowed by a whale.
(This is loving counsel from a pastor who sees this all too often…)
- Pastor Lee